Our Science subject lead is Mrs Crooks
We live in an increasingly scientific and technological age where children need to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare them for life in the 21st century. We aim to develop in children an interest and curiosity about the world in which they live, and foster in them a respect for the environment.
The aim of our Science teaching is to enable children to:
- be observant, curious and caring about the environment.
- see Science as an enjoyable experience.
- work individually and cooperatively, listening to, and valuing, the opinions of others.
- be eager to observe, question, hypothesise, plan, measure, construct a fair test, communicate and draw conclusions.
- appreciate the nature of Science and the importance of collective evidence.
- know and understand aspects of biology, chemistry and physics;
- know and understand how to work scientifically
North Frodingham Primary School endeavours to deliver a high-quality science education through:
- Understanding The World and the Characteristics of Effective Learning in the EYFS and the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics in Key Stages 1 and 2.
- North Frodingham Primary School believes that children should be encouraged to explore diversity and the mysteries of the World, that they should develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the World around them and that children should be equipped with the skills they will need throughout their lives.
- Our children are encouraged to achieve their full potential through challenge and will build a body of key scientific knowledge, concepts and specialist vocabulary.
- North Frodingham Primary School believes that children learn best through practical experiences; ‘Working Scientifically’, is embedded in our curriculum and focuses on the key features of scientific enquiry.
Science lessons are taught using the Rising Stars framework from the EYFS to Year 6. This covers all areas of the science Programmes of Study and the key features of scientific enquiry.
In the EYFS, an ‘Investigation Station’, and regular Outdoor Learning sessions contribute towards the children’s development of foundation skills, concepts and vocabulary.
A progression of skills, including, ‘Working Scientifically’, has been mapped foreach year group and is used to ensure that children have opportunities to improve their work and progress further.
Science week is celebrated each year and the curriculum is enhanced further through a range of educational trips, visitors including STEM ambassadors, theatre companies and use of our local area.
A STEM committee has been established and meets regularly.
Through our Science curriculum all our pupils develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of biology, chemistry and physics. All pupils develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through the different types of scientific enquiry. The STEM committee ensures that children can also apply their mathematical and technological skills to their understanding of science. Outcomes for each child are recorded at the end of a unit of work and regularly throughout the year and analysed for next steps. Science Progression